The information below is only my opinion.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where to Start?

So it seems as though I had this great epiphany of spreading my wisdom and advice (yeah, right) and now that I sit down to think about it... I have no idea of what to say. I suppose I can start by thinking about what I would have liked to know without having to go through my many trial and errors.


I suppose starting this list makes me think of how I have been getting around with all three kiddos. I started having the three full time when The Cat was 2 1/2, Thing One was three months, and Thing Two was seven months. People constantly look at me in awe as I tote the three babes by my side. I just keep telling them that it takes a lot of patience, and a lot of practice. When I started, Thing One couldn't even sit up on his own and Thing Two could but wasn't mobile yet. Between the two of them napping at odd times of the day... there were plenty of days that we couldn't even leave the house. But when we did... I suppose that the baby bjorn became my best friend. Pretty much one of the Things have been strapped in it as we have gone out. At the beginning I even had to put one in as we went to the car. Now that Thing Two is walking... he pretty much walks all the time.

That is my big secret I guess. Have them walk as much as possible. It may be a lot slower at first, but it helps SO MUCH. I don't understand these parents that have their six year old in a stroller. They will never be able to walk any distance if you don't let them. Since both babies were in the double stroller, the Cat has been walking beside me the whole time (it was August... not the best time for baby bjorns on long walks) with slight exceptions here and there.

My brain never shuts off. It is constantly putting together patterns of who needs to go in the car/stroller/shopping cart in what order. Who will be holding whose hands. How do we hold the door. As time goes on the Cat becomes a bigger and bigger help... holding doors and Thing Two's hands so he doesn't go running into traffic as I unlock the door to the car (cars with remote keys are VERY important as I learned when the car was in the shop and we had a car without them). Every day we are able to go further and I learn new lessons. It took awhile to get the logistics down, but now I could probably win car-seat strapping-in contests.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Well hello to all of those that care to read this blog!

I just wanted to introduce myself a little bit. I am 24, married to a wonderful man, and the mom of a pretty awesome one year old. I have been working with children for most of my life, the younger ones specifically for the last few years. I have recently been thinking more about what I have to share with the world. This has brought me to the realization that most of my current expertise has to do with caring for small children. Why not share some of that expertise (well... lots of experience... I suppose the term "expertise" is a matter of opinion) with those interested?

I worked in the infant and toddler rooms at a Montessori School for two years, where I got a great head-start with the small ones. I then left teaching to have my own child, and started nannying. I currently care for my newly-turned-one-year-old son (Thing One), a sixteen-month-old boy (Thing Two), and a three-and-a-half-year-old girl (The Cat in the Hat... the ringleader for sure).

Here are some things I have learned from much trial and error with full time care of one baby, and much time care of three small children.