The information below is only my opinion.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Well hello to all of those that care to read this blog!

I just wanted to introduce myself a little bit. I am 24, married to a wonderful man, and the mom of a pretty awesome one year old. I have been working with children for most of my life, the younger ones specifically for the last few years. I have recently been thinking more about what I have to share with the world. This has brought me to the realization that most of my current expertise has to do with caring for small children. Why not share some of that expertise (well... lots of experience... I suppose the term "expertise" is a matter of opinion) with those interested?

I worked in the infant and toddler rooms at a Montessori School for two years, where I got a great head-start with the small ones. I then left teaching to have my own child, and started nannying. I currently care for my newly-turned-one-year-old son (Thing One), a sixteen-month-old boy (Thing Two), and a three-and-a-half-year-old girl (The Cat in the Hat... the ringleader for sure).

Here are some things I have learned from much trial and error with full time care of one baby, and much time care of three small children.

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